Blog articles
These are some of the blog articles I have published during the years.
Many of the old articles still have a lot of valid and current information even though they were written years ago.
2018-03-06 | blog | EN | Rafael Martinez Guerrero
I am writing this article with contradictory feelings, Am I having a bad day on top of The Oracle at Google not giving me answers, or is the documentation of the Keepalived software totally outdated and old?Words: 1244 | Reading time: 6 min.
2017-07-10 | blog | EN | Rafael Martinez Guerrero
If you have to administrate an Elasticsearch cluster, there are some common maintenance tasks that you will have to run to keep your data growth under control, backup your indexes and keep the cluster updated.Words: 1801 | Reading time: 9 min.
2017-06-25 | blog | EN | Rafael Martinez Guerrero
“CEREBRO” is an Elasticsearch web admin tool built using Scala, Play Framework, AngularJS and Bootstrap. It is equivalent to KOPF with some extra new features.Words: 843 | Reading time: 4 min.
2017-06-19 | blog | EN | Rafael Martinez Guerrero
We started using Zabbix to monitor the IT infrastructure at The University of Oslo in 2014. During all this time we have been running all our Zabbix servers on VMware virtual servers with an acceptable level of performance. This situation changed some months ago when the VMvare+Storage we were using did not have more available resources for us to grow and it was slowing down the future development of our monitoring system.Words: 2225 | Reading time: 11 min.
2013-10-17 | blog | ES | Rafael Martinez Guerrero
Nada más crear las casi 400 bases de datos que necesitabamos y sin empezar a utilizar el servidor, el disco en donde se alojan estas bases de datos empezó a trabajar sin parar.Words: 1082 | Reading time: 6 min.