DataOPS - Data Observability, Protection and Security


“Sikker Oktober (Safe October) at UiO is organized every year in connection with the National Security Month from NORSIS (Norwegian Center for Information Security). The purpose is to increase engagement, awareness, and knowledge about digital security, both among the public and in organizations.

This year’s national theme focuses on social manipulation, where criminals exploit social media, emails, text messages, phone calls, and other digital channels to scam potential victims, hijack accounts, and steal information and personal data.

The presentation introduces UiO’s new analytics engine, DataOPS, which is used for logging, monitoring, and security analytics. It begins with a journey back to the 1980s, a time of significant changes in society, politics, the music industry, and especially the computer world, marking the era when “ordinary” people had the opportunity to own a computer at home, along with all the associated benefits and threats.

Later on, in the 1990s, another revolution in computing occurred with people gaining home access to the Internet. However, this also introduced new risks, providing those with malicious intent a medium to execute large-scale attacks and profit quickly.

Therefore, it’s crucial to have an overview of our digital environment. We need a platform to assess the effectiveness of our security measures and detect any breaches. DataOPS will assist us in this endeavor.”