TAG:[ english ]
These is a list with all the content having the TAG: [ english ] associated.
2023-10-09 | presentation | EN | Sikker Oktober - University of Oslo 2023 - Oslo, Norway
Sikker Oktober (Safe October) at the University of Oslo is organized every year in connection with the National Security Month from NORSIS (Norwegian Center for Information Security). The purpose is to increase engagement, awareness, and knowledge about digital security, both among the public and in organizations
2023-08-05 | blog | EN
Words: 1664 | Reading time: 8 min.
2023-02-28 | blog | EN
Will OpenAI/Whisper recognized my “Andalusian accent” when I speak Spanish and transcribe the audio to text without problems? I had to use 0.032759 kWh of energi to find this out.Words: 1207 | Reading time: 6 min.
2022-12-15 | blog | EN
Is OpenZFS as good as its reputation says? In this article I install and test OpenZFS on Linux and see how it replaces my hardware RAID5 installation.Words: 2753 | Reading time: 13 min.
2022-04-13 | blog | EN
Not long ago I got some nice second-hand SAS drives that I could use with my home server. I didn’t have a SAS controller that I could use with these drives at that time, so I started looking for one. I didn’t want to spend too much money and the specifications I wanted were not very advanced.
After some investigation I decided to purchase a Broadcom MegaRaid SAS 9341-8i controller. This controller is a bit old but it had the functionality I was looking for at an affordable price.
Words: 2101 | Reading time: 10 min. -
2020-01-17 | presentation | EN | LinuxConf-AU 2020 - Gold Coast, Australia
Have you ever wondered how to manage billions of logs and metrics from thousands of devices in your infrastructure? If you need high-availability and a resilient and stable system to process your data this is the tutorial for you.
2019-05-30 | blog | EN
After several weeks of intense testing, fixing configuration problems, re-indexing data and experiencing problems when upgrading our Kibana indices, we managed to upgrade our 36 Kibana instances and our Elasticsearch cluster in production from version 5.6.16 to 6.7.1 a couple of weeks ago.Words: 1786 | Reading time: 9 min.
2018-03-06 | blog | EN
I am writing this article with contradictory feelings, Am I having a bad day on top of The Oracle at Google not giving me answers, or is the documentation of the Keepalived software totally outdated and old?Words: 1244 | Reading time: 6 min.
2017-09-15 | presentation | EN | ZabbixConf 2017 - Riga, Latvia
A case study about how the University of Oslo uses Zabbix in a DEVOPS environment where changes happen fast and no one can have control of everything.
2017-07-10 | blog | EN
If you have to administrate an Elasticsearch cluster, there are some common maintenance tasks that you will have to run to keep your data growth under control, backup your indexes and keep the cluster updated.Words: 1801 | Reading time: 9 min.
2017-06-25 | blog | EN
“CEREBRO” is an Elasticsearch web admin tool built using Scala, Play Framework, AngularJS and Bootstrap. It is equivalent to KOPF with some extra new features.Words: 843 | Reading time: 4 min.
2017-06-19 | blog | EN
We started using Zabbix to monitor the IT infrastructure at The University of Oslo in 2014. During all this time we have been running all our Zabbix servers on VMware virtual servers with an acceptable level of performance. This situation changed some months ago when the VMvare+Storage we were using did not have more available resources for us to grow and it was slowing down the future development of our monitoring system.Words: 2225 | Reading time: 11 min.
2017-05-02 | presentation | EN | UNINETT fagdager 2017 - Trondheim, Norway
A short presentation focused on how we automate the Zabbix configuration at the Universitity of Oslo
2016-09-10 | presentation | EN | ZabbixConf 2016 - Riga, Latvia
A 5 minuttes lightning talk to present Zabbix-CLI.
2016-09-10 | presentation | EN | ZabbixConf 2016 - Riga, Latvia
A case study showing the problems we have resolved with Zabbix and the challenges we had when we implemented Zabbix as the main monitoring tool at the University of Oslo.
2016-04-21 | presentation | NO | UiO-IT konferanse 2016 - Sweden
A short presentation about why and how we are using data analysis of log information at the University of Oslo with elasticsearch, logstash and kibana.
2015-10-29 | presentation | EN | PGConfEU-2015 - Vienna, Austria
A 5 minuttes lightning talk to present PgBackMan.
2015-04-24 | presentation | NO | UiO-IT konferanse 2015 - Sweden
A tour of the job done at the University of Oslo in the areas of automation, monitoring, data analysis and trending during 2015.
2014-10-09 | projects
Zabbix-cli is a tool for managing some administration tasks in monitoring systems running Zabbix. It is a terminal client written in Python that uses the Zabbix-API to connect to your Zabbix installation.
2014-01-12 | projects
PgBackMan is a tool for managing PostgreSQL logical backups created with pg_dump and pg_dumpall. It is designed to manage backups from thousands of databases running in multiple PostgreSQL nodes, and it supports a multiple backup server topology.
2009-04-20 | projects
The PostgreSQL-ES project was a website about PostgreSQL in Spanish that was active between April 2009 and June 2017. For a long period of time It was the website of reference in spanish for the PostgreSQL database.
2008-04-08 | presentation | EN | GoOpen2008 - Oslo, Norway
A general presentation about PostgreSQL database for the GoOpen2008 conference in Oslo.
2005-10-13 | presentation | EN | NUUG - Oslo, Norway
An extended presentation about PostgreSQL, the history of the project, features, administration and the most important tuning parameters.
1998-10-28 | projects
The Linux-ES project, also known as “The Linux Corner” was inaugurated in 1998 and was one of the first websites about Linux in Spanish.